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Top 5 Accomplishments

1. Solid waste reduction at our Community Arts Night dinners.


2. Systemic change in our school culture by reducing the amount of paper we use. (All meeting agendas, as well as weekly and monthly newsletters are now delivered electronically.)


3. Improved recycling practices to now include plastics and other mainstream recyclable materials.


4. 8th grade students were so concerned about the health of the Patterson Park Boat Lake that they took action!


5. Maintenance and use of our multi-functional outdoor garden. The garden serves as a place to grow and harvest food, as a pollinator garden and also as an outdoor classroom.


This year was the first year that we established an after school B'more Green Club. The students that joined the club came with passion and a desire for action. They had so many great ideas that we have work to do for years to come! Being committed to achieving Maryland Green School status helped focus our students' priorities and drove our efforts in every facet of our school life. We are delighted to present to you a window into many of the programs, activities and changes HHA has made in the last two years to increase our greening efforts and to help change the culture of our school community so that administrators, teachers, staff and families are making choices that will reduce our carbon footprint.

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